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Designing Podcast Covers

I recommend Podcast Cover size of 3000x3000 Pixels in 300dpi RGB color     If you are my kind of Artist or Creative, then you probably can't do God's work without some sort of Auditory experience. My main audio snack is over the counter Music but when I am feeling a bit special, I devour Podcasts. I have a bunch of Podcast I listen to on Stitcher, such as  Stuff You Should Know ,  Life coach School Podcast , The Daily ,  Art History babes  etc.   There are however Times like today where I just scroll through the app and look for any random Podcast to see what it's all about. Suddenly the Audio Experience becomes a visual one, Presented with different shades and kinds of covers, I chose to Listen to a podcast called  Verified , was it the Art that Pulled me in, the name… or was it the text. Truth be told it is a Combination of all.   I have Designed a handful of Podcast covers myself, So naturally I have asked myself these question...

This is My First Painting This Year

During the late hours of the now distant 2019, It was suggested that I make a piece of art about Drug abuse and its effect, a topic so close to home.
Casting a keen eye on the phenomenon merely meant stretching my neck a tad bit. The banks manufacturing money came to mind, The Money banks make are not actually created from nothing, they are stolen from the future. In the case of drug abuse, life and health is what is stolen from the future.
I try to capture that concept within this piece.
